Thursday, July 14, 2016

Light in the Darkness

As the saying goes, “You have to fight fire with fire.”


You cannot fight hate by being hateful.

You cannot fight intolerance by being intolerant.

You cannot fight discrimination by discriminating.

You cannot fight violence with violence.

You cannot fight injustice with revenge.

You cannot fight racism by being racist.

You cannot fight a fire by adding more fuel to it.

You cannot fight evil with evil. When evil is returned for evil you don’t have less of it, you have evil squared.

Only love can counter hate.

Only love can counter intolerance.

Only love can counter discrimination.

Only love can counter violence.

Only love can counter racism.

Only love can counter evil.

Darkness wins when no light shines. Darkness cannot suppress even the smallest candle.

Do you want to end the hate, the intolerance, the discrimination, the violence and the racism in America and the world? Do you want to end the evil brother commits against brother?

Then it is time to stand in solidarity with one another, not separation. It is time to stand in love with one another, not in hate.

I am the candle standing defiantly in the windy night. I know I do not stand alone. Stand with me and together our light can chase away the darkness.

When your brother extends a slap in hate extend your hand in love. When he curses you bless him. Return his injustice with mercy and his words of racism with words of praise.

Do not allow your heart to be poisoned by his hate but allow his heart to be healed by love. Love is truly the only thing that will heal our world. If we cannot learn to live with love for one another we will surly die alone in our hate.