I stood behind the Table of Sacrifice dressed in gold. The priest stood before the table. Not a priest or any priest, but every priest who had been ordained throughout all of time. They occupied the same space and the same time, both individually and together as a unity.
To their left and to their right stood the deacons. Not a deacon or the deacon, but every deacon who has ever been ordained. Like the priest, they occupied the same space and the same time, individually and together as a unity. It was with them I stood.
We were at the Sacrifice of Thanksgiving, the Mass. Not a Mass or any Mass but every Mass that has ever been said throughout all time, all happening at the same time in the same space.
As the supernatural reality came into focus my body began to tremble when it was revealed to me what I was a part of. The supernatural reality was superimposed on the veiled reality and everything appeared as two and as one.
In the altar I saw a hill and from the hill extended the tree of life. Hanging from the tree was the Christ, bloody, bruised, naked, and gasping for every breath he took. Before the tree, in the priest, I saw Jesus himself, glorified as he was during the transfiguration. His eyes were affixed heavenward as he offered that sacrifice of himself for all of humanity.
I looked right and left. Superimposed in the deacons I saw the angels of the heavenly court who assist Jesus with this sacrifice. Their wings spread wide as the deacons’ heads were bowed. Surrounding the altar was all of God’s creation, all of the heavenly hosts, and every person who has ever been created. I saw my family, those who passed long before I was born, and my heirs who would not be born until long after I pass. All gathered together in this time at this place. Calvary.
Then I did something I never have before. I looked down. Under the altar, beneath the cross there was a large hole. I crept to the edge and looked inside. It was the gateway to the abyss, to the very heart of hell itself. In the center of the abyss was a large throne and sitting on the throne was Lucifer. Surrounding him were the souls of the damned, those condemned to spend all eternity in the lake of fire.
Their hands were raised towards heaven and they cried in loud voices, “Lord, lord, save us!”
The Christ looked down from the cross and his eyes filled with tears. “You I do not know,” he said with a labored and agonizing breath.
“Through Him, with Him and in Him, in the unity of the Holy Spirit, all glory and honor is yours, almighty Father, for ever and ever.” I looked up and the priests were raising the Body and Blood of our Lord to heaven.
Jesus’ hands and gaze were raised towards heaven. “Father, I offer myself as sacrifice for the salvation and redemption of our creation. Let my blood wipe away all transgression and restore unity between us and humanity for ever more.”
With that, I heard all of creation, all of the heavenly hosts, and all of humanity throughout all time all proclaim in one great crescendo, “AMEN!”
The earth shook and Christ on the cross said, “It is finished.” His head fell limp and he breathed no more.
From the abyss came shrieks and wailing. The devil cried out in a loud voice as his defeat became final.
The veil was drawn over my eyes once more and all I could see was the priest and the altar and the Mass I was part of. As the priest raised the host in the Epiclesis, I could hear Jesus speaking directly to me.
“I did not give you this for you to keep for yourself. Give witness to others as to what you have seen and to draw as many back as you can. All will be at this. Those who are not at the altar or in the congregation will be in the abyss. It is for them I weep. It is not too late but the time is coming when repentance will no longer be possible.”
If more people understood the supernatural side of our Mass there would not be an open space in any Church throughout the world. I have the honor of standing where heaven touches the earth, in front of the cross, every time I get to assist as Mass. One day we all will get to see this reality with unveiled eyes. If you want to be looking at Jesus and not up at him come to love him now while you are given a chance. To know and love Jesus makes you want to repent of ever offending him through sin.