Friday, November 15, 2019

Modern Idolatry

God created me. He made me a white male with blonde hair and blue eyes. I am of above average stature and efficient at storing excess energy around my waist. He made me who I am. He fashioned me to be pleasing to him. I am to be a good steward of my body, soul, and spirit. I am not to be a good steward to please myself but to give glory to the one who created me.

Idolatry is placing something or someone in the place reserved only for the one who created us. Idolatry comes in many different forms. The original idolatry was committed by Adam and Eve. When the devil offered them the forbidden fruit he told them that it would make them like God. They could become gods themselves. That was their desire when they ate of the fruit.

It does not matter how close a people are to God. Idolatry is always present whether the people are aware of it or not. After God had freed the Jewish people from pharaoh they made a golden calf to worship. Idolatry is alive and well and taking on new forms today. God made me with blonde hair and blue eyes but I can change both of those if I am not happy with what he gave me. Today, a person can even change the appearance of their gender through hormone therapy and reassignment surgery. We no longer give the glory of creation to God but put ourselves first by choosing that which appeals to us instead.

Sometimes idolatry comes in forms so common we never even notice it. On Sundays during football season there will always be people showing off their pride for their favorite team by proudly wearing their jerseys to Mass. Seems innocent enough but we gather at Mass to worship God, not our favorite teams. Many of us plan our entire Sunday around, not our worship of God, rest, or communion with our families, but a sporting event. The purpose for which the Sabbath was created is put second to our love for a game, a team, or one of its members. It may not be Idolatry with a capital I but it is idolatry just the same. Think of it along the same lines as mortal and venial sin. Venial sins build upon themselves and make it much easier to make the jump to mortal sin.

I am going to steal from a homily my pastor gave a few weeks ago. Close your eyes and try to imagine what heaven is like. Are you in a beautiful place? Are you surrounded by all of your loved ones that have passed on before you? Are you in great health, looking the best you have ever have? Are you at a banquet with all of your favorite foods? What do you see when you think of heaven?

No open your eyes and remember what you saw in your vision of heaven. Look around it. Did you see Jesus there with you among the beauty and family? If you didn’t see Jesus in your vision of heaven you were not in heaven. No matter how beautiful your vision, without Christ you are in hell. Jesus is heaven. Heaven is the place reserved for the most sacred union between God and his children.

What do you place before God in your life? Where do you put your desires over his? What reasons do you use to miss attending Mass? What idols do you worship?