Why do you need a military style weapon with a high capacity magazine?
“We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.--That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, --That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness.” – The Declaration of Independence
Regardless of what militant feminist philosophy wishes us to believe about the role of the male in our society today, a man has three primary duties in life. We have a duty to God, first and foremost. We also have a duty to our country and a duty to our family. One of the duties we owe both our country and our family is that of protection. Man holds the responsibility to protect this country and our families against anyone or anything that intends to harm either. This is not some macho, misogynistic idea from a bygone era. Nor is it to say that women are incapable of playing the role of protector. Indeed, women are called to this role to even a greater degree than man, but only at the appropriate time. If the male fails in this duty, either by choice or by ability, the woman becomes the last defense of the innocent. She holds within herself a fury unmatched by any male. It is a power that is meant to be unleashed only as last resort when no other options are available.
God defined the gender roles when he created both male and female. Man had two primary jobs, to till the ground and to protect creation with the primary emphasis on protecting his wife. Woman was made to be a helpmate to man. She was created to nurture. Death entered the world when man failed to protect his wife. When evil came he did not confront it. He did not attempt to stop it. He allowed the devil to tempt woman and then he blamed the woman for his sin and God for placing woman with him to begin with. The original sin was not when woman ate of the tree of life. It was when man allowed it to happen.
When I was seventeen I took the following oath when I enlisted in the United States Navy –
“I, Robert Glenn Collins, do solemnly swear that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; and that I will obey the orders of the President of the United States and the orders of the officers appointed over me, according to regulations and the Uniform Code of Military Justice. So help me God."
This was the oath I took to this country before God. It was my pledge that I would give my life in defense of this land, her people, and the principles and ideals on which she was founded. I was not relieved of this oath when my contract of service was fulfilled. I took a similar oath when I became a husband, and later, a father. As such, I am obligated to give my life in defense of my wife and children. These are not just empty words for me. They are founding principles on which I live my life.
A militia, rightly understood, is every able bodied person living within this country. We have been afforded the luxury of living in a country that has not had the threat of invasion from a foreign nation in hundreds of years. The most recent war fought within our borders was the civil war that ended over one hundred and fifty years ago. We have lost the concept, but not the need, for a militia.
Our founding fathers understood this better than any. The militia was indispensable during the Revolutionary War and the early days of our country while the proper military defenses were being created. The militia is just as indispensable today as it was during this country’s founding, regardless of how many people no longer believe it is necessary to have one.
Case in point –
In May of 2020 the United States had nation-wide rioting after the death of George Floyd. What was meant to be peaceful protests at what people believed was police brutality were stirred into violent riots by militants who wanted to go to war with the police. Over two billion dollars worth of damage was done to private, public, and government property. At least twenty-five people were killed and thousands were injured on both sides of the line. The police were greatly outnumbered. The governors of the states have use of the National Guard to deal with domestic emergencies such as hurricanes, wild fires, and protests. They were not activated to protect the people during the height of the violence but would later be brought in to surround the White House to protect the President-elect during his inauguration. The people were abandoned in their greatest hour of need and were told to flee and let insurance pay them for what was lost.
We had the same type of event happen during the Rodney King riots in 1991. Like what happened in the George Floyd riots, violent protesters rioted, looted and destroyed personal and public property in Los Angeles. A group of Korean business owners came together to defend their property armed with their personally owned weapons. Their businesses went largely undamaged during the riots.
Because of events like the Boston Massacre, our founding fathers understood the importance of personal defense. The right to keep and bear arms was not originally written into the Constitution. It was assumed by some that people would know and understand that as a free person they had the right to do and own anything they wanted that was not specifically made illegal by law. Some worried that the day would come that people would begin to believe their rights are granted to them by the state and then many of the rights given to us by our Creator would be infringed upon or taken away. The Constitution of the United States could not be ratified until some protection was given to these rights. The first ten amendments, or the Bill of Rights, were added to the Constitution. The amendments are listed in an order of importance.
The First Amendment recognized the right to practice one’s religion first and foremost. Then it recognized the right to free speech, the right of the press, the right to peacefully assemble, and the right to petition the government for a redress of grievances. Without these rights you cease to be a free and sovereign citizen and you become a slave subject to the ruling body.
The Second Amendment recognizes that without the ability to defend one’s self any and all other rights can be stripped away from the individual. This is exactly what King George did to the colonists. When they began to protest he stripped them of their ability to defend themselves. When they continued to protest he forcibly imprisoned them and eventually had them killed. The new government of the United States was to be held in check by citizens who were able to overthrow it if it became tyranical. The Second Amendment is ignorantly and intentionally misread and misunderstood by those who want to disarm the population.
Amendment II
“A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.”
The people who wish to ignore this Amendment focus on the words, “A well regulated Militia” and believe that it applies to our military. By literary rule, everything that comes before the second comma is a qualifier and can be excluded from the sentence. The sentence stands alone without these words. The amendment is quite simply, “The right of the people to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed.”
Our founders knew that for a state to remain free it had to be protected and the ultimate responsibility for protecting it fell to the people who lived there. The first qualifier, “A well regulated Militia”, does not mean a well controlled militia. In this sense it is meant to mean a well supervised militia. The government has the responsibility to train the people on the proper use of weapons. It also has the responsibility to arm those who wish to be armed. A militia of properly trained and armed citizens can then be called to the defense of the nation in the time of crisis or need.
Instead of embracing this responsibility our government has tried to get the population to believe that they are not responsible for the defense of their nation or even their own protection. Many governments, both local and federal, have done everything they can to disarm the population. They want us to believe that we are all safer if lawful citizens did not possess firearms. If only we could rid the country of weapons people of evil intent would have no call to do evil actions. The lions will lay down with the lambs and we would have a utopia of peace and prosperity. We can look to all of human history to see that this has never happened and an unarmed, docile population is always preyed upon and cast into slavery by people who hunger for power over the powerless.
Why do you need a military style weapon with a high capacity magazine?
Because I am a free and responsible citizen who has sworn an oath to defend and protect this country, my family, and myself against all who intend to do us harm. I cannot do that with my charm alone.