God had a plan for the salvation and redemption of man. It was through sacrificial love. Suffering is the currency of love. Love can never be forced. For God to save us through love there had to be a choice. Jesus knew that the path to salvation was to take on the punishment for all sin and the punishment for sin is suffering and death. For Love to take on this punishment for us he had to have an alternative. The temptations of the devil gave him that alternative. Jesus could have accepted the devil’s invitation to worship him and have reign over all of the earth under the devil’s authority. Jesus chose suffering and death out of love for us instead.
Jesus allowed the devil to tempt him so as to teach us how to respond to temptation when we are also tried by the devil. How Jesus responded is very important to understand.
In the first temptation the devil temps Jesus to turn rocks into bread and to satisfy his immense hunger. Jesus responded by telling the devil that man does not live on bread alone but through every word that comes from God. The Gospel of John starts by telling us that the Word was with God and the Word was God. The Word came down from heaven and dwelt among us. Jesus answers the first temptation by reminding the devil that he is God.
In the second temptation the devil took Jesus to the top of the temple and dared him to jump off, for if he is truly the Son of God the angels would catch him and allow no harm to come to him. Jesus counted by reminding him that it is written in scripture that you shall not put your God to the test. In the first temptation Jesus reminded the devil that he was God and in this answer he is telling the devil that he cannot tempt him.
In the last temptation the devil takes Jesus to a high mountain and offers Jesus all of the kingdoms of this world if only he would kneel and worship the devil. Jesus counters by quoting the scripture passage that says you shall worship and serve God alone. Being God, it was the devil who was to worship Jesus, who is the rightful king over all in heaven and earth. With that, the devil left him.
Ask any soldier when the best time to attack an enemy is and they will tell you it is when they are at their weakest. The devil is the most cunning of enemies. We are at our most vulnerable to temptation when we are weak. We are at our weakest when we are Hungry, Angry, Lonely, or Tired.
H.A.L.T. This should be a warning to us that the enemy is prowling, hoping to capitalize on an opportunity to get us to stray from God. It should be a warning to us that it is time to call for reinforcements. When we find ourselves hungry, angry, lonely, or tired we need to Stop what we are doing, Drop to our knees (even if only in our hearts), and Pray. We pray to God for his grace to make it through the trial. We can pray to our Blessed Mother for intercession to her son on our behalf. We can pray to St. Michael and our guardian angels for protection and assistance in fighting our temptations. We can pray to the Communion of Saints for their intercessions and strength. The important thing to realize that we are weak and seek the help that is available to us through our faith.
When we are weak we are made strong through the grace of God.
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